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Car Commercial Voices!                               Automotive Celebrity Endorsements

Edgar Allan Poe!                                            Genius from a twisted mind!

Famous Addresses!                                      Real and fictional places!

Famous Aliases!                                            And you thought you knew them…!

Famous Australians!                                    Performers from Down Under!

Famous Captains!                                        Leaders of the ship!

Famous Couples!                                         Love through the ages!

Famous Duos!                                               Two of a kind!

Famous Leaders!                                          From ancient times to modern world leaders!

Famous Photographers!                            Seeing the World Differently!

Fathers!                                                          An important role model!

Hollywood Families!                                    America’s Royalty!

Infamous Seas!                                             Pirates and other dangers of the deep!

Left Handed!                                                 The only ones in their right mind!

Martin Luther King Jr.!                                Leader of the Civil Rights Leaders!

Michael Jackson!                                        One of the Greatest Entertainers!

Nelson Mandela!                                         Celebrating a great South African leader!

Notorious People!                                       Some of the worst people in history!

Not Real People!                                         Characters from advertising and TV!

Our First President!                                   All about George Washington!

Pirates!                                                         Featuring those seagoing scalawags!

Princesses!                                                 Real and Fictional Ones!

Queen Elizabeth!                                        God Save the Queen!

Revolutionaries!                                          It all starts with a cause!

Spies!                                                            A source of international intelligence!

Stand-Up Comics!                                      Interacting with the audience!

Talk Show Hosts!                                      Heeere’s Johnny!

They Go Together!                                    Some things are just inseparable!

Women in Sports!                                     Celebrating Women Athletes!

Women in Politics!                                   Women of Power and Influence!

Women in U.S. History!                           Women who helped shape the nation!

Women in World History!                        Women who shaped history!