
Religion Package

Original price was: $13.99.Current price is: $9.99.

This download contains all the puzzles and solutions of the Religion category.

53 unique puzzles.

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This download contains all the puzzles and solutions of the Religion category.

Includes 53 solutions:

Abraham!                                   Religious patriarch!

Angels!                                       Watching over us…

Animals of the Bible!               Playing a critical role!

Apostle Paul!                            Religious leader!

Biblical Cities!                           Every story needs a setting!

Biblical Geography!                 Do you know your way?

Biblical Sons!                            The apple doesn’t fall far…

Biblical Villains!                        Keeping the heroes on their toes!

Birth of Christ!                          One of the most famous stories!

Book of Acts Part 1!                Acts of the Apostles!

Book of Acts Part 2!                More Acts of the Apostles!

Buddhism!                                 On the path to enlightenment!

Catholicism!                              2,000 years of tradition!

Christian Saints!                       Defenders of the Faith!

Christian Terms!                      Common Vocabulary!

Daniel!                                         Interpreter of Dreams

Easter Week!                             An Eventful Time!

Elijah!                                          Old Testament Prophet

End of the World!                     Different views on Armageddon!

Esther!                                       Jewish Queen

Exodus!                                      Time to go!

Foods of the Bible!                 Got Milk (and Honey)?

Heaven and Hell!                      Easy choice!

Holy Men and Books!               Test your knowledge of world religions!

Hymns and Hymn Writers!      Writers of Christian Music

In the Beginning!                      Let there be light!

Jewish Holy Days!                    Traditional events and celebrations!

Kings and Queens!                    Rulers of the realm

King Saul!                                    First King of Israel

Life of David!                               Second King of Israel

Minor Prophets!                         Promoters of the Faith

Miracles of Jesus!                     Healing Hands

Moses!                                         Hebrew Leader

New Testament Men!                Followers of Jesus

Numbers Part 1!                        Numerical Bible Trivia

Numbers Part 2!                        More numerical Bible Trivia

Numbers Part 3!                         Even more numerical Bible Trivia

Occupations!                              Earning a living!

Old Testament Books!              Jewish Parables

Parables of Jesus!                     Great Stories!

Proverbs!                                      So the saying goes…

Psalms!                                         Biblical poetry

Ruth!                                               Accepting God

Simon Peter!                                Founder of the Church

Solomon!                                       Builder of the First Temple

Sunday School Songs!              Weekly Favorites!

Tabernacle!                                  Place of God

Titles of Jesus!                           There are many names for Christ…

Translations!                               Different versions of the same scriptures

Weights and Measures!             The basis of trade

Women of the Bible!                  Where would we be without them?

World Holy Places!                     Some of the most important places in the world!

World Religions!                         Test your knowledge of the faiths of the world!